
Smriti Curtilage Villa designed by T.K.CHU Design

Smriti Curtilage Villa designed by T.K.CHU Design   Architects: T.K. Chu & Bryant Liu Location: Suzhou City, China Site Area: 1090㎡ Year: 2019 Image: Wang Ting Video: T.K.Chu Design Description: Suzhou is the cradle of Coupling Garden, whom preserves the legacy of the dual qualities of Suzhou: modernity...

Twin Tea House by Hill Architecture is designed based on the Sleeping Cloud Pavilion

Twin Tea House by Hill Architecture is designed based on the Sleeping Cloud Pavilion in the retreat garden of Tongli Town, Wu Jiang Architects: Hill Architecture Location: Zhuantang, Xihu District, Zhejiang, China Year: 2017 Area: 22.000 ft²/ 2.040 m² Photo courtesy: Ryan Chiu Description: "The design idea is based on...

Xi’an Zhongshu Bookstore by Wutopia Lab: Modern white bookstore designed to curve de imagination

Xi’an Zhongshu Bookstore by Wutopia Lab: Modern white bookstore designed to curve de imagination Architects: Wutopia Lab Location: 67 Ming Guang Lu, Weiyang Qu, Xian Shi, Shaanxi Sheng, China Year: 2018 Area: 20.300 ft²/ 1.886 m² Photo courtesy: CreatAR Images Description: "Wutopia Lab recently designed an entirely white Zhongshu...

Atelier Alter designed this apartment in Beijing which is modern and functional at the same time

Atelier Alter designed this apartment in Beijing which is modern and functional at the same time Architects: Atelier Alter Location: Beijing, China Year: 2017 Area: 1.615 ft²/ 150 m² Photo courtesy: Atelier Alter Description: "The interior design of Wang’s Residence revolves around two questions: what kind of design best...

Contemporary white walls with light wooden flooring make this Hong Kong house warm and inviting

Contemporary white walls with light wooden flooring make this Hong Kong house warm and inviting Architects: Millimeter Interior Design Location: Hong Kong, China Year: 2017 Area: 4.600 ft²/ 427 m² Photo courtesy: Millimeter Interior Design Description: "Situated in the suburban district of Hong Kong, this 4,600 square-feet house is...

Gentle atmosphere for guests of a house that lies one hour’s drive from Beijing

Gentle atmosphere for guests of a house that lies one hour’s drive from Beijing Architects: DL Atelier Location: Duijiuyucun, Changping, Beijing, China Year: 2017 Area: 4.843 ft²/ 450 m² Photo courtesy: Haiting Sun Description: "Over these years, I always go camping with family or friends to deep mountains and...

Rural house renovation where modern-day aesthetics and old remains thrive in co-existence

Rural house renovation where modern-day aesthetics and old remains thrive in co-existence Architects: Evolution Design Location: Zhoushan, China Year: 2017 Area: 2.852 ft²/ 265 m² Photo courtesy: JianPing Yang, Yong Zhang Description: "70% of the houses in a village sitting on one of the Zhoushan Islands are hollow, but...

The Half house by SU Architects

The Half house by SU Architects Architects: SU Architects Location: Deqing, Huzhou, China Year: 2015 Photo courtesy: Hao Chen, Xuguo Tang Description: "The site is located in Moganshan, a beautiful mountain with the well-keeping natural ecology, in Zhejiang Province. Originally, the existing building construction in the site is...

Higher eating experience in a place centered on the creation of a mysterious atmosphere

Higher eating experience in a place centered on the creation of a mysterious atmosphere Architects: hcreates Location: Shanghai, China Year: 2016 Photo courtesy: hcreates Description: "The dining concept for Cobra Lily was to take loved street food from across Asia and recreate the flavours and vibrancy but turn...

The design of a project which started with two traditional houses and one privately-built house

The design of a project which started with two traditional houses and one privately-built house Architects: BWAO Location: Xicheng Qu, China Year: 2017 Area: 710 ft²/ 66 m² Photo courtesy: Bao Wei Description: "No.66 Lanman Hutong Renovation is sited in a typical courtyard that is occupied and shared by...

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