Wooden House in Shinkawa, Sapporo by Yoshichika Takagi
Architects: Yoshichika Takagi
Location: Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
Year: 2015
Area: 840 ft²/ 78 m²
Photo courtesy: Yuta Oseto
This is a house with a space that resembles an inside and an outside. The space has a huge air volume, secured with a rooftop and translucent surface which keep off the downpour and wind. In any case, it doesn’t have warm protection execution. It could be situated on the expansion of the Japanese conventional earth floor or the sun room found in places of Hokkaido. Here we call it a “porch” since it is a half-outside space that is splendid and open. From spring to pre-winter, it acts as a part of the living space. Furthermore, in winter it works like a glasshouse, which keeps off the serious icy.
“Little house”
This is a cheap yet profoundly protected utilitarian little house. The foot shaped impression of indoor space is little; 53 square meters (570 square feet). The private room on the second floor is an upper room space like a “concealing spot”. Its little indoor space has points of interest, for example, cheap development cost and simple cleaning, and minimal effort of utility expense.
“Extensive porch”
This 26 square-meter (280 square-foot) extensive porch, which is the half of the indoor space, has a consistent relationship and a spasmodic association with the indoor space in the meantime. Congruity adds to make the little house feels extensive, and brokenness adds to make the indoor space thermally smaller.
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