Juris Correspondente’s Head Office in Belo Horizonte
Company name: TETRO ARQUITETURA (Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes and Igor Macedo)
Project Location: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Completion Year: 2019
Photo credits: Gustavo Xavier
1. Grafite: Leandro Caram
2. Manufacturers: Serralheria Jesuína
3. Woodwork : Alggar Marcenaria
4. Glasses: Vidrex
About Tetro Arquitetura
Based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, TETRO ARQUITETURA is formed by architects Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, and Igor Macedo. The office’s professional practice is seeking a unique and unrepeatable solution to each project. It is based on the careful study of the premises and conditions of the site and the client. Fundamentals such as integration with nature, use of natural materials and exploration of architectural voids are characteristics that permeate every project, from urban scale to furniture design.
The office received the first prize in the competition for the Minas Gerais Symphony Orchestra Headquarters. It designs projects of museums, venues, commercial, residential and industrial buildings in various states of Brazil.
Juris Correspondente’s head office in Belo Horizonte is located on top of an old building in the central area of Belo Horizonte and has a spectacular 360-degree view of the city. Its position allows seeing several important points of the city, such as the Serra do Curral, the Municipal Park, the City Center with its blind gables graffiti, the Santa Tereza neighborhood and also some other emblematic postmodern buildings.
The Juris Correspondente project has three main spaces a large workroom, a meeting room, and the terraces
The project program basically consists of three main spaces: a large workroom, a meeting room, and the terraces.
The workroom
Representing the work synergy, the workroom is composed of a single amoeboid shared table. A purple floor made of epoxy paint is one of the main elements that give the office a unique personality making reference to the brand logo. The ceiling designed as a grid of steel cables expresses the soul of the company that is “a network of lawyers connections”. It has the function of flexibilizing the electrical infrastructure and fixing the various plants that are scattered throughout the space. The walls were all covered with whiteboard, so that one can write on them.
The meeting room
A meeting room was built at one end of the terrace and has a panoramic view of BH. It’s table also follows the same organic line as the workroom table. In order to allow the rain drainage, the floor was executed in wooden deck. Various types of spices were planted next to the window of this room there is an elevated flower bed.
The terraces
The terraces are the spaces that give greater identity to the place. These areas, which surround the entire office, were occupied as open spaces for decompression. The furniture made from a wooden deck and fruit tree pots were added, most of the original materials being retained. The magenta steel volumes house a small kitchen and its complementary spaces. in order to cast shadows and make the environment pleasant to use on sunny days, the firm used a net of fabric squares supported by steel wires. Seeing the way employees use these spaces was very interesting. Socialization is very important in the workspace and Tetro Arquitetura took this aspect into consideration.
Finally, Juris architectural design demonstrates that it is possible for the business environment to be cool, to value employees in order to increase their creativity while making them feel cozy at the workplace.