
10 Tips To Boost Your Home’s Value

10 Tips To Boost Your Home’s Value


Are you planning to put your house on the market? Home staging plays a crucial role if you want your home to look appealing and attract buyers. It not only enhances the property’s curb appeal but also helps highlight the unique features of your house.

When a house is on the market for a long time, homebuyers tend to assume that there is something wrong with the property. To avoid selling your house at a lower asking price, take home-staging measures to improve the current appearance of your house.

You don’t have to especially hire an expert for home staging. In fact, it’s relatively easy to do it yourself. Take a look at these home-staging tips that will bring in lucrative offers from buyers.


  1. Start With Deep Clean

Before putting your house up for sale, make sure you deep clean it. From the dust bunnies behind furniture to grimy bathroom tiles, make sure every corner of your house is spotless. As this can be quite time-consuming, it would be best to involve a house cleaning company.


  1. Declutter

Similar to a dirty house, a cluttered property will instantly discourage potential buyers. Who wants to step on toys while viewing a house?

Neatly store everything to create a tidy space. Decluttering now will also make your impending move easier.


  1. Power Wash Exterior

Your driveway, patio, room, walls, and other exterior features might already be in great condition, but dirt build-up can make them look unappealing. Power washing is the easiest way to restore its pristine condition. You can either rent a power washer or hire an exterior cleaning expert.


  1. Spruce Up Landscaping

The exterior of your house should be attractive enough to entice passersby when they see the ‘For Sale’ sign. But that won’t be possible with unkempt landscaping.

Spruce up your landscaping by repairing broken fences, replacing dried grass, and planting blooming flora. These simple improvements will breathe a new life in your outdoor area.


  1. Use Paint

Repainting is one of the most inexpensive ways to revamp anything from walls to cabinets. Ideally, you should stick to a neutral color palette.


  1. Showcase Storage Space

Homebuyers love storage space- the more, the better. Your first instinct might be to shove every unwanted item in the closet. But instead of doing that, you should tidy up your closet, kitchen cabinets, drawers, pantry, bookshelves, and other storage areas. Make sure you showcase all the storage space your home has to offer.


  1. Remove Personal Items

The goal is to help potential buyers envision themselves living in your house. And that won’t be possible if the whole house is filled with your personal items. Try to depersonalize by removing personal items like family photographs.


  1. Rearrange Furniture

Your quirky room arrangement may not work for everyone. Consider symmetrically rearranging furniture to create a better flowing space.


  1. Maximize Natural Light

If your house gets plenty of natural light, make sure you use this to your advantage. Replace bulky drapes with light, modern curtains to naturally illuminate your house with sunlight.


10. Eliminate Pet Odors

Being a resident of your house, you eventually become immune to pet odors. But when potential buyers tour your house, it’s possible the first thing they will notice. Particularly the upholstery and carpets need to be thoroughly cleaned to remove any stains and unpleasant odors. Baking soda is an effective ingredient to eliminate any strange odors.


Boost Your Home’s Value

These tips will enhance your home’s overall appeal and help it  perform well in a highly competitive market. Boosting the visual presentation of your home is not only necessary for in-person viewings but also helpful for creating attractive online listings.

Thanks for reading 10 Tips To Boost Your Home’s Value

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