4 Must-Do’s Before Listing Your Home For A Quick Sale
Taking a house from “For Sale” to “Sold” requires a lot of work and commitment. As a real estate professional, your job is to help the owners understand how important it is to leave a fantastic first impression. Staging a home the right way doesn’t have to cost a fortune. A few simple – but significant – ideas can boost the worth and transform it into a brand new space. If you’re lacking inspiration on how to score those selling points, you should go over our list of tips on 4 simple must-do’s before listing your home.
1. Amp Up The Kitchen
The kitchen is one of the top-selling points you and the owners should focus on. You’ll be surprised to hear how many potential buyers make a decision solely based on the overall appearance of the kitchen. Having the owners invest in a new one can be quite an expense, so you can focus on amping it up instead.
Giving the kitchen a facelift means deep cleaning it, getting new hardware including kitchen window coverings, replacing the countertops, painting the cabinets if necessary, and fixing everything that’s not working. Clean grout lines, beautiful countertops, neutral colors and a bright room can score you so many points with anyone interested in the home you’re selling. Remind the owners to pack all the personal items, such as magnets from the fridge, photos, and clean all the clutter. The kitchen should look polished and should be equipped with sparkly clean appliances. When you see how fast the house sells thanks to this little upgrade, you’ll be even more motivated to excel in your job.
2. Upgrade The Windows
If you notice that all the windows look old and dirty, talk to the clients and let them know how important it is for them to invest in new windows. However, not everyone will agree to pay for this upgrade, so if you’re in a similar situation, there’s something else you can try.
We found another way of making any house appear much better instantly, just by doing a much simpler tweak that won’t cost the owners a fortune. Bay windows in the living or dining room can significantly add to the value of the property. They deliver a stunning view, so make sure to also toss the outdated window coverings and match them with new ones. Together with carefully selected luxurious drapes and bay window covering hardware, you’ll turn this area into a spot that every prospective buyer will fall in love with. Opt for long drapes that will start at the ceiling and go to the floor, to make the room appear more spacious.
3. Work On The Floors
Everyone seems to be looking for a house with gorgeous floors, but what if the one you’re selling has floors that need a lot of help? Well, that should be the next task. If the owners are on the same page, and are willing to invest in fixing the floors, the property’s price will immediately go up. This step is even more critical if they have hardwood floors that need extra love, because prospective buyers dream of having hardwood flooring in their future homes.
The least you can do is a thorough deep clean. If the owners are willing to do more, advise them to refinish floors, fix scratches and ask for professional help to bring them back to life. If they’re not ready for this investment, opt for gorgeous rugs and carpets that will hide the imperfections. Finally, remember to steam-clean the carpets to smell nice and appear as good as new. This sounds like a lot of mental work, but going out of your way to deliver the unexpected for the buyers will always pay off.
4. Improve The Lighting
Most sellers are used to living in their dark home, so they’re not even aware that it might be lacking light in certain rooms. When you first enter the house or condo, note all the areas that are darker than they should be and make a list. Let your clients know about this issue, and help them understand how easy it is to fix it – and how much it can boost the value of their home.
Increase the natural light all over the home by going for bright curtains that you’ll keep open when potential buyers arrive. Next, talk about layered lighting with the owners. This means adding lamps in dark corners, more prominent ceiling fixtures where needed, ambient lighting, wall sconces for a boost in appearance, and desk lamps for the office.
Conclusion- Must-Do’s Before Listing Your Home
Staging a house is essential for multiple reasons. First, it can significantly boost the value of a home and help you earn more. Next, the current owners might not know how to use the space they have properly, and they need professional help from a skilled realtor like you. Once they get the advice, they’ll be even happier with your services and recommend you to everyone. Finally, it will help you sell a property much faster, letting you move on to the next one with the speed of light.
If you ever get stuck wondering what to do to upgrade a home, the tips we listed are a great start. Everyone wants to buy a house with gorgeous windows and quality window treatments, amazing floors, a good kitchen, and great lighting. If you manage to pull these four tips off, with the help of the owners, every seller will want to see what you have to offer. We hope that this article about some of the most must-do’s before listing your home helped you finding some great solutions. If you’ve got some other tested must-do’s that we haven’t mentioned here, just let us know in the comment section.