Mario Webhofer

Wiesergut Hotel by Gogl Architekten

Wiesergut Hotel by Gogl Architekten Location: Hinterglemm, Salzburg, Austria Year: 2012 Area: 2,256 sqm Photo courtesy: Mario Webhofer / W9 Werbeagentur, Innsbruck Description: Time seems to stop in Saalbach-Hinterglemm. Just an hour away from Salzburg, traditional houses and hotels with carved dark wooden terraces pepper the rolling...

Haus Walde by Gogl Aarchitekten

Haus Walde by Gogl Aarchitekten Architects: Gogl Aarchitekten Location: Kitzbühel, Austria Area: 286 sqm Area: 2012 Photos: Mario Webhofer Description: The customer asked for an open, light-filled room with the patio nursery and the excellent scenery of the Kitzbühl Alps coordinated into the living space. The site is situated on a north-bound...

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