
Pool House by Vanguarda Architects

The Pool House byย Vanguarda architects

Architects:ย Vanguarda architects
Location:ย Los Castores I, Nordelta, Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Year: 2010
Area:ย 457 sqm
Photo courtesy:ย Luis Abregรบ

The primary condition recommended by the proprietor for the outline of this lasting home was to guide the perspectives to the endless tidal pond that is on the back faรงade of the area.

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To this end, we outlined a reversed L design, pulling back the entrance to the house towards the focal point of the parcel, considering more extensive viewpoints at the part’s back and unbounded to the earth.


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Adjusted on the front faรงade are the carports, study, can and administration rooms: clothing, storeroom, one room, one lavatory and the grill territory.

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This geometry made a long way towards the house’s passageway, which was planned by joining vehicle and person on foot access.

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The social ranges are sorted out from the entrance corridor around an internal yard that incorporates normal light to the diverse situations. The kitchen, the lounge area, the exhibition and the parlor are adjusted and ignoring the tidal pond. The living room has a twofold tallness, fusing the stairs more than one of the sides of the inward yard and an in-out swimming pool that is joined to the lake outwardly and serves as partition from the expert suite.

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The upper floor is sorted out around the twofold stature space, likewise profiting by nature’s perspectives, the inward yard and the greenery enclosure. Its arrangement is comprised of two full visitor suites and a vast study arranged for the proprietors’ work, additionally getting a charge out of the best perspectives of the tidal pond from its favored area in tallness as well as from its sides made of glass towards the outside and towards the twofold stature of the living room.

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