
HVAC Tips – 7 Possible Reasons for Low AirFlow Problems

HVAC Tips – 7 Possible Reasons for Low AirFlow Problems

Low airflow in your HVAC unit is one of the most popular problems that people experience. Luckily, low airflow is easy to spot and simple to fix, so long as you catch it early enough. This article will discuss how to pick up on low airflow in your HVAC unit, what could be causing the low airflow, and what to do to fix it. HVAC Tips – 7 Possible Reasons for Low AirFlow Problems:

Symptoms of Low Air Flow

One of the first signs that you are experiencing low airflow in your air conditioner unit is when you notice hot and cold spots throughout your space.

Another symptom of low airflow is when you notice that doors shut by themselves, and there are strange whistling noises in areas where there is a draft. You might live in a haunted house, but chances are, your air conditioner unit having trouble and resulting in a pressure imbalance throughout the house.

You can put your hand up against the unit and notice whether or not any air is coming out, or if the airflow is weak. This could mean that your AC vent is not blowing out any air.

Finally, if your HVAC unit is blowing out warm air, something is wrong.

You do not want to ignore a malfunctioning HVAC unit for too long. It might result in compressor failure, which would mean having to replace the entire unit.

Luckily, there are some causes of low airflow in HVAC units, and many of them can fix yourself.


Obstructed Condenser Unit

According to HVAC Green Bay, If you have an obstructed condenser unit, rest assured. You can easily fix it yourself. The condensing unit is located in a mechanical room, or outside. If it is outside, chances are the unit got obstructed by leaves and debris. If it is in a mechanical room, check to see that it is not obstructed by a blanket or a towel, or something else that might have fallen. You need to figure out if this is the problem as soon as possible because a lack of airflow can cause the unit to overheat.

If it is obstructed by debris or an object, all you have to do is clear away the material.


Blocked Vents and Registers

Sometimes vents can be blocked by walls or furniture. This does not indicate that anything is wrong with the HVAC unit. Rather, something is in the way of the airflow, making it seem restricted. All you need to do is move the furniture out of the way of the vent. If you wait too long, the air conditioning unit might overheat.


Clogged Filters

You are supposed to change your air filters about every three months. Of course, the frequency will depend on the quality of the air. If you live in a place where there is a lot of pollen or air pollution, you may want to change your filters more often.

Air filters are there to remove dust and debris from the air. This keeps your equipment and ducts safe. If you do not regularly check and change your air filters, they will get overloaded and eventually clog up.

If you do not regularly check and change your air filters, it could eventually cause damage to the air conditioning unit. Therefore, it is best to check and change the filters per the manufacturer’s instruction and your environment. It might be about once a month.


Blocked or Leaky Ducts

Sometimes the ducts themselves can get blocked. This can easily happen if you do not have a filter in place. It can also happen if the dust gets past your clogged air conditioning filters (that is why it is so important to change your filters).

If your ducts are small, they are more susceptible to blockage a lot sooner than bigger ducts.

Sometimes, you might even find an animal, like a rodent, bird, or large insect. They may even build nests, and you might hear them moving around. This can easily obstruct airflow.

Depending on how old your air conditioning unit is, the ducts may also crack or get holes. The air then leaks out of the ducts rather than entering your home, resulting in low airflow.

The best way to determine if the low airflow is due to the ductwork is to inspect it yourself and clean out anything blocking the ducts.


Thermostat Issues

If your thermostat is acting up or has a low battery, the airflow might suffer. Be sure to check your thermostat to see if it is working properly.


Oversized AC Unit

Many people think that “bigger is better,” however, this is not the case when it applies to air conditioning units. An oversized air conditioning unit will cycle on and off, which prevents them from removing much humidity from the space. Therefore, your unit might be working just fine, but the home feels uncomfortable, hot, and stuffy. If you think this might be the issue, you should hire an HVAC design expert to check it.


Dirty Coils

The HVAC condenser coil is also designed to release the heat that gets removed from the air. The coil is outside and exposed to the elements. Therefore, it can easily get very dirty, which prevents it from releasing any heat. Your air conditioning unit will begin to work even harder to cool down space, making the unit overheat. It will also cause airflow issues.

Your air conditioner’s condenser coil is another part with an important job to do: release the heat that’s removed from your space. You can easily prevent this by cleaning the coils about once or twice a year.

HVAC tips – Conclusion

If your HVAC unit has poor airflow, chances are it is from one of the above issues. You can always get your unit expected, normally free of charge, to figure out what is wrong before it is too late.

Thank you for reading HVAC Tips – 7 Possible Reasons for Low AirFlow Problems

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