House designed by 23o5studio for those who love simplicity but rebellious
Architects: 23o5studio
Location: District 6, Vietnam
Year: 2016
Area: 1.076 ft²/ 100 m²
Photo courtesy: KIngkien Photoghraphy
“Quiin – A person who loves simplicity, simplicity but rebellious. Quiin House is designed from interaction and mutual respect in work. Our mission in implementing the Quiin House project is to create a quiet, clean and inspirational space. A space where Quiin can comfortably reflect, create, craft a handmade or capture. So the only thing we think we need to provide in this project is “Cavity” and “Light”.
With some urgent constraints in the minimal functional spaces and worship culture of the Chinese, in this project, we have tried to create a transparent space – the “invisible”. Mostly through the design of functional blocks around. The functional blocks are anchored in the “empty space”. As the creation of the air in the teapot – the “invisible” by molding the teapot – the “visible”. Besides, Function blocks – the “visible” is the isolation layer needed to create a quiet and clear space for the “invisible” gap. Light, in this project, is the emotional catalyst and connect the “cavity” in the building.”