About Haus der Musik project
Project name: Haus der Musik Innsbruck
Company name: ARGE Strolz – Dietrich | Untertrifaller
Project location: A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Completion Year: 2018
Other participants:
Project management: Peter Nussbaumer (D|U), Andreas Lehner (D|U), Johannes Alge and Ferdinand Reiter (Strolz)
Site management: Malojer, Innsbruck / structural engineering: Toms, Vienna / geotechnics: Teindl, Innsbruck / building services: Mikfey, Wien & Ortner, Innsbruck / electronics: Brugger, Innsbruck / light: Ragg, Innsbruck / building physics: Spektrum, Dornbirn / facade: gbd, Dornbirn / fire protection: IBS, Innsbruck / acoustics: Müller-BBM, Munich / stage: Kottke, Bayreuth
Photo credits: Roland Halbe
About the architecture company
Employing an international team of more than 100 architects working in Austria (Bregenz and Vienna), Switzerland (St Gallen), France (Paris) and Germany (Munich), the company is led by Helmut Dietrich, Much Untertrifaller, Dominik Philipp and Patrick Stremler. With the support of local agencies and regional partners, the architecture firm succeded to develop many international projects. Their international presence grew a lot in the past few years, in countries such as Austria, France, Germany and Switzerland.
They created an architecture from its respective context – restrained in style with spatial sophistication and demonstrating finely nuanced materiality being always careful to use sustainable, environmentally friendly materials. They approached a large spectrum of architecture projects, from large-scale buildings and urban structures through alterations of existing buildings to single-family homes. Their creativity and inquiring mind can be remarked in all these projects.
Due to their innovative and sustainable projects, the architecture firm received many awards, including the Prix National de la Construction Bois 2017 (Sports Center Alice Milliat Lyon) and the State Award for Architecture and Sustainability 2017 (Elementary School Edlach, Dornbirn).
Cultural exchange across all ages and genres
Haus der Musik was conceived for open cultural exchange across all ages and genres and it is prominently located in Innsbruck’s cultural center. The central focus and the unifying element is music. It houses multiple musical institutions, concert halls, administration, dining, a national music library, and outdoor terraces with views of Innsbruck and the Alps thanks to the building’s simple volume that belies extreme programmatic complexity. Creating a contemporary, communicative, democratic building that enriches the city of Innsbruck as a new cultural center, the architecture respects the historical neighboring buildings. Its transparent base and the generous open design of the stage area blur the borders between interior and exterior and allow the outdoors to visually flow inside while the building’s interior functions — clearly organized for high visibility — pour out on the street engaging with pedestrians. With its sweeping glass façade, the large concert hall becomes an open-air stage and the building’s entry plaza becomes a welcoming auditorium.
Glazed ceramic cladding
The building’s glazed ceramic cladding, which shimmers with iridescent blacks and browns allows transparency to be taken to another level. The changing lighting situations during day and night create exciting and lively effects despite its homogeneous character. To provide shading and sun protection for the office areas the ceramic lamellas are open and can be rotated by a maximum of 45 degrees.
Haus der Musik, Strengthening Innsbruck’s long musical heritage, this state-of-the-art building links past and future as it integrates daily life with popular and high culture.