Fitzrovia House by West Architecture
Architects: West Architecture
Location: Fitzrovia, London, England
Year: 2015
Photo courtesy: Peter Cook
Situated in a Georgian court dating from 1766, this house structures a portion of a patio which brought about bomb harm amid the Second World War bringing about it being somewhat wrecked and significantly remade in the decades since, including the front and back rises completely. The house had fallen into a condition of dilapidation preceding the new proprietors acquiring it and delegating West Architecture in 2013.
Holding just the edge dividers to the house, garden and a previous workshop to the back, a completely new structure has been embedded. The house now join with and includes the previous workshop, expanding the tenable space and making an encased patio. The patio gives light and ventilation to living spaces on three levels whilst offering confined perspectives and correspondence between the individual rooms it brings together. Materials to new living territories are dominatingly reasonable confronted or untreated to mirror the utility of their past use.
Another third floor has been included giving a main room and patio connected by another staircase to a changing area and bathrooms beneath inside of the body of the first house. On the front rise, timber band windows supplant the past metal confined windows and for the most part the veneer has been restored to mirror the very much saved period character of the court.
The work, which included broad basic mediations, unearthings and expansive coated components was all accomplished on a to a great degree kept site with no vehicle access.
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