
Arc House by Maziar Behrooz Architecture

Arc House by Maziar Behrooz Architecture

Architects: Maziar Behrooz Architecture
Location: East Hampton, New York, USA
Year: 2010
Area: 6,400 sqft
Price: $3 million
Photo courtesy: Matthew Carbone

The Arc House is a private home intended for a couple and their two major mutts. The site is under a flight way to the neighborhood airplane terminal and near a train track. We felt that by utilizing a mechanical building innovation, a plane storage, we would rise above the apparent confinements of such vicinities. Further, we were all enticed by an extensive segment less self-supporting overhang that encased all people in general spaces of the house – cost successfully.


The test was to discover a scale for the curve that would change this building framework into a cozy and encased space. At a range of 39′ with a top roof tallness of 16′, we felt the building would be sufficiently little to feel good but have a feeling of vastness connected with its continuous roof bend.


The curve contains the living, eating and kitchen regions in an open arrangement. The section overhang to the curve and a couple of different parts inside of it are at a tallness of 7′, making a touchable lower plane inside of the bigger structure. To permit the customer adaptability to include future rooms, we chose to house them in a level roofed area, in the back, that is made of basic protected boards (SIPS).


The lower level houses an office, a parlor, a carport and work out zones; a portion of the lower level opens to a yard that permits cool air flow and an unmistakably private outside space. By joining the house into the scene, we could change the level site into one with various skylines and exploit common cooling and uninvolved configuration.


The vitality use of the house is essentially not exactly a run of the mill place of this size; because of both the circular segment shape and materials utilized. Routine timber was just utilized as a part of inside allotment divider studs and the outside cedar siding around the room segment.

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