
Renovation of a XV century farm into contemporary villa in the town of Monteriggioni

Renovation of a XV century farm into contemporary villa in the town of Monteriggioni

Architects: CMTarchitects
Location: Monteriggioni, Siena, Italy
Year: 2016
Area: 4.306 ft²/ 400 m²
Photo courtesy: Centrofotografico

“The XV century farm villa, object of CMT Architetti restoration, is located in Tuscany (ITALY) in the town of Monteriggioni (Siena), just a few steps away from the beautiful “Castello della Chiocciola”. The Villa has been attributed by some scholars to Baldassarre Peruzzi opera, a famous Sienese painter and architect who worked in that area between the XV and the XVI century.


The intervention focuses on the noble floor of 400 square meters with the realisation of a modern, functional and every comfort equipped apartment.


The leading idea of the project was to use two parallel registers, the almost philological restoration of the original parts and the absolutely contemporary project of new interventions and furnishing.


The result is an assembly in which the two parties communicate with expressions that are even very different, but with the constant search for a final common synthesis.


The original walls were treated with a lime- coloured paste and pulled to iron plaster on the example of the ancients XV century plasters , the floor slabs too, were treated with lime. The existing floors have been restored and they veiled with natural lime too.


The new environments functional to the new residential program are made as white enamel gloss boxes which never arrive to the ceiling, so that they can hold indirect led light illumination. The new living floor is made of clear ochre resin cement, without any expansion joint. Also the bath floors and coverings are made of the same materials. The night zone floors are all made with a natural oxidized Oak parquet treated with lime. All the furniture of the house, with the exception of some object of recovery, are tailor made products from local artisans, unique and unrepeatable.


The furnishings are made with recovered oak wood with black veins, crude raw plate treated with natural wax and opaque lacquered wood parts. The kitchen top is in black matt marble.


The apartment is equipped with radiant plate heating, domotics control for each function and lighting completely realized with led equipment.”

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